Thursday, April 15, 2010

Buy a shirt.

forgot when i got the order of shirts in that i was selling them to begin  with i started with the two designs and had 60 i think and 1000 stickers im currently down to around 25 shirts left and the red tom perry shirts are limited edition since the shirts there printed on are no longer made. if you want to order one shoot me a email to and well set somthing up through paypal or whatever until i set up a online store im using the money from these shirts to finance girls panties for you crossdressers or dudes with girlfriends. some tank tops because its currenyl 81 degrees in illinois and maybe some assortment of hats or somthing of that genre. also i will also post some video edits soon my video editing software dissapeared and my hands a bit broken from a barfight a few nights ago. local support ill throw in random sauce packets and fortune cookies with your shirt and some stickers both sticker designs and some go fuck yourself stickers. 


its taken me awhile to update but more or less we got back stuck in a storm in denver along the way at around 10000 elevation so more or less a hour and  half outside of denver. our bikes are all covered in salt and snow from the drive. california was great we met some methhead who gave us a free hotel for the night me and dw rode form santa monica to la, kyle and sweet 16 drove him to bakersfield we all met back up at the hotel around 5 am me and dw soaked form rain and filed with del taco. alex and kyle grateful to be alive and they had tons of easter candy which alex took the chocolate and smeared it all over the bathroom before we left because the maid was being a bitch and pissing him off. luckily the room wasnt in any of our names this time. but we had a good time and alex told us he could drive 30 hours back after being in hollywood riding street all day. which he rode almost all day which was refreshing to see the kid didnt smile enough the whole trip but he tore himself up riding hollywood high with some sick grind combinations id never seen him try before. on the way back from hollywood he was hyped up on around 6 energy drinks/pills and pulled over at a jack in the box dissapeared and reapeared with a pigeon in a hoodie? we were all confused he then continued to drive as far as his body would let him til the snow caught us for the night.